Currently, the future of electric vehicles looks promising - though it won’t likely replace your Duramax, Powerstroke, or Cummins engine any time soon. Still, we don’t know what the immediate future holds. This battle was waged once before in the past, with combustion engines taking the throne over electric power. Here’s a brief history of electric automobiles, from Hill's Motors Auto Repair in Childress, TX.
Whether you drive a Ford, Chevy, or Ram diesel truck, your tires are an important aspect of the way your truck performs. At Hill's Motors Auto Repair in Childress, TX, we’re here to keep you in the loop on what type of tires are out there for you, and what your tires say about the condition of your truck.
If there’s an issue with your diesel fuel system, the most important thing to remember is to fix it sooner rather than later. With gas engines, you can often power through a fuel issue for quite some time - they’re irritating, but not often permanently damaging.
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