The type of tire you want on your fleet or commercial vehicle depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you use the vehicle. There are multiple tire styles for most applications, and one of them is right for you. At Hill's Motors Auto Repair in Childress, TX, we’re ready to help you make your choice. If you’d like to narrow it down before you come see us, here’s a short rundown of common tires that will meet your specific need.
Automotive windows are one of those things that you take for granted, until something goes wrong. One of the more irritating issues a window can develop, is dislocating from its track while attempting to roll it up or down. Why does this happen, and how do you fix it? At Hill's Motors Auto Repair in Childress, TX, we’ve got answers to your questions and solutions to your problems.
At Hill's Motors Auto Repair in Childress, TX, we know how easy it is to overlook vehicle maintenance when everything is working as it should - we also know firsthand the toll neglected maintenance takes on a vehicle. Here’s an easy thing you can do yourself, that might save you an engine, transmission, or avoid numerous other problems.
Commercial trucks have heavy engines, and they spend a lot of time running, particularly at idle. As a result, the mounts that secure the engine to chassis of the truck have a tendency to wear out, causing all sorts of shaking and vibration that the driver will feel in the cab of the truck. At Hill's Motors Auto Repair in Childress, we can take care of that for you.
There comes a time in the life of every fleet vehicle or commercial truck when you have to decide - is it time to retire that truck or van, or should you put the money into fixing it? At Hill's Motors Auto Repair in Childress, TX, we’re here to help.
While your exhaust system helps reduce noise output from your vehicle, it also significantly reduces harmful emissions from being released into the air. When your muffler and exhaust system are functioning properly, it significantly reduces your vehicle's harmful impact on the environment. It also significantly improves the functionality of your vehicle and improve fuel mileage for your car, truck, SUV or Jeep.
An exhaust system is made up of numerous parts that work together to rid your car of the exhaust gases that are created during the combustion cycle, as your engine burns fuel. Each part of your exhaust system has an important role to play in removing exhaust gases away from the engine as quickly as possible, allowing another cycle of combustion to begin. The more quickly and efficiently an exhaust system does this the more efficiently an engine can run. The main parts of an exhaust system are an exhaust manifold, catalytic converter, oxygen sensors, exhaust pipes, and the muffler.
Exhaust systems are one of the most neglected aspects of most vehicles. Exhaust pipes, catalytic converters, and mufflers are exposed to heat, emissions, and road damage. While your exhaust system is fairly simple and straightforward, these conditions mean it is inherently prone to rust and damage. As a result, this system is often one of the first systems you will have trouble with on your car.
Whether you drive a Chevrolet, Ford, or Dodge diesel pickup, there will come a day when you have to ask the question - has the time come to get a new truck? Knowing when to throw in the towel or decide to keep the vehicle you have can be a difficult task. Hill's Motors Auto Repair in Childress, TX is here to help you decide.